Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Finals Week

Halfway through finals week already! I boxed up some stuff I'm not going to need and took it down to Deerfield yesterday, since I don't have any actual exams until Thursday. Remarkably, my room doesn't look that much more empty...I hate how that happens. I feel like I was so productive with my picking up boxes and running errands and packing and getting stuff moved, and I come back here to find it looks pretty much like it did yesterday morning. Just a few less books and a few less dishes.

Not a whole lot that's of interest to report today. I got my email address for UMass, so I'm going through the irritating process of trying to find every place on the web that I put my KSC address and change them all. For those of you who want it, please leave a comment or email me and I'll get you my new one. I just don't want to post it because I want to be sure that it's actual humans that are getting it, and not spam-bots.

Stumbled across something amusing a few minutes ago: Why it's better to date geeks! So true. Which is, of course, why it's so funny, like all good comedy. Speaking of comedy, check out George Carlin on airplanes, part 1 and part 2.

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