Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wednesday Weirdness 56

1. If your boss says, "I would like to talk to you about  your internet usage" what would your first reaction  be?
What boss?

2. If you SO asks you "Does this make me look fat?" how do you answer?
He would never ask that, so I'd probably just be confused.

3. What is one thing that you pay for, but resent having to do so?
Actually, I'm very lucky not to have anything in that category. Damn unemployment.

4. A day is being created in honor of you. How should we celebrate it?
By doing whatever makes you happiest.

5. What CD or Album in your music collection do you secretly enjoy, but would be embarrassed if others heard you grooving to it?
I refused to be ashamed of my music! You can laugh if you like, but I will own up to everything from Kiss to the Dixie Chicks to Ashlee Simpson.

6. How long do you think you would last if you were a contestant on Survivor?
I've never actually seen the show, but from what I've heard...quite a while. I have a high pain tolerance, I'm not sqeamish, I have a cool head, and I've got a few survival skills packed away in my brain.

Friday, May 8, 2009

World's Oddest Cars

Think you've seen some odd cars? Not until you've seen these! Gosh I love the internet...

So tomorrow I get to go up to Keene and watch all my friends graduate. Well, most of my friends. Liz, Marie, Snaric, and a bunch of former friends and some acquaintences I used to hang out with. I'm sure there will be people there I don't want to see, but hopefully I won't have to have any face-offs. I'm certainly not going to start anything or go near anyone I dislike, but I'm not sure I trust some of them to have the same courtesy. Oh well, we shall see.

In either case, the party at Marie's house has been cancelled since she was dumped by her boyfriend and doesn't feel like celebrating anything. She said Craig and I could still go up and hang out, but there's going to be a couple of relatives at her house and I'm not sure what we're going to do. Could be awkward if we're expected to hang out with her grandmother. She just told me that her cat bit said granny and she was ecstatic because Marie hates her. Currently she, her mother, her uncle, her granny, and two cats are crammed in their trailer, and I think she's about to go insane. I would too, from what I hear of her family!

In other news, the owner of the Monkey Bar and La Piazza has expressed interest once again in hiring me. Keep your fingers crossed - I turned in my resume yesterday, and he told me what to buy for a uniform, so my hopes are high. I finally made some business cards for Snaille Maille, and they look nice, but I think it will be awhile before that really gets going.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Kicking Fences

Never try to kick down a fence unless you have fully inspected the workings of the fence first.