Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wednesday Weirdness

1.) What condiment goes best with french fries?
Definitely ketchup. There's no other option.

2.) What condiment do you feel best represents your personality?
Spicy mustard! It may look innocent, but watch out...

3.) If the love of your life was a different religion from you, would you convert for them if they asked you to?
Why would they ask me to? I don't care what religion they are as long as they don't try to convert me/other people. I would educate them if they wished, but I would never try to convert anybody.

4.) What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?

5.) If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
Definitely not. It would probably change my life a whole lot, and not for the better. I want to concentrate on my life, not my demise.

6.) If you could change your eye color to anything in the world you wanted, what would you change it to?
Purple :) Really bright purple!

7.) Are you more often the partner in crime or the good conscience with your friends and family?
The partner. Hey, I haven't been arrested yet!

Go see the original at Wednesday Weirdness!

1 comment:

rage said...

You should try mayo (not miracle whip), but actual mayo with french fries. I know it doesn't sound good, but it is!