I figured out the problem with Blogger; it wasn't them at all, it was the new Internet Explorer 8. Now that I'm using Google Chrome, it's all better. More points for Google!
Ugh, hell no. I would rather wear an extra few pounds than turn into a grumpy bitch for a month. I'll exercise, thanks.
3. When you browsing a book store for reading material, do you find yourself checking out a book solely based on the cover design?
3. When you browsing a book store for reading material, do you find yourself checking out a book solely based on the cover design?
Sometimes; it depends on what I'm looking for. Mostly I hang out in the poker section, where I choose my books by their reputations and authors.
4. Which 80's trend were you least happy to see come back this year; big shoulder pads or neon?
4. Which 80's trend were you least happy to see come back this year; big shoulder pads or neon?
I haven't noticed big shoulder pads (although they sound enormously stupid) and I don't mind neon. What, I like the 80s look!
5. How long do you think could you disappear for until someone would notice your absence and start looking for you?
Not long. The real question is, How long could I keep them from finding me? Quite a while!
6. Have you ever walked out of a movie and asked for your money back? Which movie(s) and why?
6. Have you ever walked out of a movie and asked for your money back? Which movie(s) and why?
Nope, never done that.
7. Have you ever changed your plans because of something you read in your horoscope?
7. Have you ever changed your plans because of something you read in your horoscope?
Hell no. That stuff is bullshit. They're funny to read sometimes, but only as entertainment.
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