It's 3am, and here I am...why? I didn't get out of work until 1:30 again. I was tentatively scheduled to be out at 10:00, but for some reason the closers got cut and I was the one left to do the duties in the dining room.
Today wasn't a terribly spectacular day for any reason. I did manage to cut myself - not with a knife, not with broken glass, not with any of the myriad dangerous things you can find in a restaurant. No, I cut myself with a cupboard door. Twice. In two completely separate areas of my body. Not knowing where to find bandaids, I wandered around for at least five minutes looking for a trainer or manager, unable to get my customers their drinks for fear of bleeding on them. But it's all good - as I said to Doug, I can laugh at my own pain, and it was pretty funny.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wednesday Weirdness
1.) You're on a trip taking a tour through the jungle. You have a backpack with some food, some first aid supplies, a pocket knife, a flashlight and a couple bottles of water. Some how, you get separated from your group. By night fall you haven't found your group and haven't heard them looking for you. How long do you think you would be able to survive on your own?
Most likely long enough that I would be rescued or find my way out. I've been to the jungle before and I have a few survival skills packed away in the back of my mind.
2.) Do you think it's okay to lie to spare someone's feelings? Why?
I really think the only reason people lie is out of fear; in this case, fear that someone would be mad at them for beind honest. So I guess it depends on how big a thing you're lying about and how mad the person will be if you tell them the truth. Decide whether they'd want to know in the long run.
3.) If a talking [Katherine] doll were made, what are THREE phrases it would say?
"Fuckin' A, that's awesome!"
"Aww, I'm sorry."
4.) If the super power to be able to read minds at your own will were possible, do you think it would be... cool and helpful, intrusive and wrong, manipulative or maddening? Explain why you would or wouldn't want to be able to read anyone's mind at your own will.
Those would all depend on the person using the power! It would certainly be maddening as hell at least until you learned to control it. After that, the rest is up to you...but I think it would be much easier to use it for manipulation than assistance.
5.) Drunk confessions, are they the things people can't bring themselves to say sober or just crazy ramblings of an influenced and intoxicated mind?
They are definitely always things that people can't bring themselves to say sober, but whether they're deep dark secrets or psychotic rantings depends on whether you have any deep dark secrets, and what kind of mood you're in.
6.) What brings out the worst in you?
Stupid people, angry drivers, ignorant people.
7.) Do you think long distance relationships work? Have you ever been in one before?
I was in one temporarily while in South America, and that worked, but I think it only worked because I knew it was temporary. I wouldn't do it long-term with no end in sight.
This is from Wednesday Weirdness.
Most likely long enough that I would be rescued or find my way out. I've been to the jungle before and I have a few survival skills packed away in the back of my mind.
2.) Do you think it's okay to lie to spare someone's feelings? Why?
I really think the only reason people lie is out of fear; in this case, fear that someone would be mad at them for beind honest. So I guess it depends on how big a thing you're lying about and how mad the person will be if you tell them the truth. Decide whether they'd want to know in the long run.
3.) If a talking [Katherine] doll were made, what are THREE phrases it would say?
"Fuckin' A, that's awesome!"
"Aww, I'm sorry."
4.) If the super power to be able to read minds at your own will were possible, do you think it would be... cool and helpful, intrusive and wrong, manipulative or maddening? Explain why you would or wouldn't want to be able to read anyone's mind at your own will.
Those would all depend on the person using the power! It would certainly be maddening as hell at least until you learned to control it. After that, the rest is up to you...but I think it would be much easier to use it for manipulation than assistance.
5.) Drunk confessions, are they the things people can't bring themselves to say sober or just crazy ramblings of an influenced and intoxicated mind?
They are definitely always things that people can't bring themselves to say sober, but whether they're deep dark secrets or psychotic rantings depends on whether you have any deep dark secrets, and what kind of mood you're in.
6.) What brings out the worst in you?
Stupid people, angry drivers, ignorant people.
7.) Do you think long distance relationships work? Have you ever been in one before?
I was in one temporarily while in South America, and that worked, but I think it only worked because I knew it was temporary. I wouldn't do it long-term with no end in sight.
This is from Wednesday Weirdness.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Car
Sometimes I wonder if I look a little too much on the bright side of things...then again, if I didn't, where would I be? I hoped when my last car was totalled that the next one would provide less cause for concern, but it's turned out to be the other way around. Yeah, the Jetta had a lot of problems its first year, but they all got fixed, and after that it behaved itself pretty well. The Corolla, on the other hand...
I'll start with the short background: I took it to Autex in Keene for an oil change, after which it developed a small rattle, not terribly alarming. Three thousand or so miles later, I took it back to the same place for an inspection, since they'd offered me a free one. I requested that they check out the rattle, which had gotten quite a bit worse in the last couple of months.
The guy came back to me looking somewhat alarmed and informed me that they hadn't found a rattle, but the engine was rapping loudly (sounds the same to me...he couldn't have just figured that's what I'd heard?), and when they checked, the car contained no oil. I told them to do an oil change and check for leaks, and they did so and found none.
The rapping stopped for about twenty-four hours, then began again, getting progressively worse over a couple of weeks until it was even worse than before. I checked the oil often, but even after a drive to western New York and back the level hardly fell, so I wasn't overly worried. The exhaust looked and smelled as it should, and it left no puddle in the driveway.
This week marked another three thousand since the last oil change, so I took it to JiffyLube to have the job done. In the summer I would do it myself, but there's no way I'm lying down in the snow and ice at this time of year to save twenty bucks. Craig asked the tech how the oil looked when it came out of the car, and the answer was, "There wasn't enough to tell. Oh, and you're low on coolant, too." He also told us that they did find a leak, between the engine and the transmission. It wasn't leaving a puddle because it only leaks while I'm driving.
The engine rapping was very slightly better after the service, but as I figured, it came right back. It seems the cylinders and/or cylinder heads are too badly damaged from...whatever the hell recover. Now, missing oil and coolant, and a leak between the engine and transmission that only happens when it's running - put the clues together, and what do they suggest? Unfortunately, a cracked engine block.
Of course, just finding out if that's actually the problem could cost more than the car is worth, so I'm pretty well stuck. I'm going to try to find a local mechanic who will give me an opinion without charging me three months' paycheck, but I honestly don't have a lot of hope.
I'll start with the short background: I took it to Autex in Keene for an oil change, after which it developed a small rattle, not terribly alarming. Three thousand or so miles later, I took it back to the same place for an inspection, since they'd offered me a free one. I requested that they check out the rattle, which had gotten quite a bit worse in the last couple of months.
The guy came back to me looking somewhat alarmed and informed me that they hadn't found a rattle, but the engine was rapping loudly (sounds the same to me...he couldn't have just figured that's what I'd heard?), and when they checked, the car contained no oil. I told them to do an oil change and check for leaks, and they did so and found none.
The rapping stopped for about twenty-four hours, then began again, getting progressively worse over a couple of weeks until it was even worse than before. I checked the oil often, but even after a drive to western New York and back the level hardly fell, so I wasn't overly worried. The exhaust looked and smelled as it should, and it left no puddle in the driveway.
This week marked another three thousand since the last oil change, so I took it to JiffyLube to have the job done. In the summer I would do it myself, but there's no way I'm lying down in the snow and ice at this time of year to save twenty bucks. Craig asked the tech how the oil looked when it came out of the car, and the answer was, "There wasn't enough to tell. Oh, and you're low on coolant, too." He also told us that they did find a leak, between the engine and the transmission. It wasn't leaving a puddle because it only leaks while I'm driving.
The engine rapping was very slightly better after the service, but as I figured, it came right back. It seems the cylinders and/or cylinder heads are too badly damaged from...whatever the hell recover. Now, missing oil and coolant, and a leak between the engine and transmission that only happens when it's running - put the clues together, and what do they suggest? Unfortunately, a cracked engine block.
Of course, just finding out if that's actually the problem could cost more than the car is worth, so I'm pretty well stuck. I'm going to try to find a local mechanic who will give me an opinion without charging me three months' paycheck, but I honestly don't have a lot of hope.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
First Week of Work, with Pictures!
This is my third day of work in a row, and I have one more tomorrow. I'm not complaining - I hardly got any hours for next week, so I'll take all I can get while I have it. I'm not feeling my sore feet, blisters, and bruises anymore, not because they've gone away, but because everything from my knees down has gone numb. It's probably unhealthy, but it's so much easier to work when I'm not in extreme pain.
Thursday night was good, since it was Thirsty Thursday for the college crowd, and there was some big game, and Bdubs brought in a DJ for the night. The bar was packed, and even though I was working Dining and not Bar Dining, I made $75. Last night, on the other hand, sucked. I was in Bar Dining, and though the crowd was decent, it wasn't huge. I would've done okay if three of my tables hadn't decided not to tip me. I was so fed up by the third one that I actually asked, and they assured me they would leave me money before they left the bar...but they disappeared without doing so. I came home pissed off and bitter at the world. What possesses people not to tip? Do they not know we get paid almost nothing as a wage? I make $2.63 an hour. I didn't even crack minimum wage yesterday.
I made $45 working day shift today, but the shift went well, and I don't expect to make as much during the day as the night. When they started cutting people at 3pm, I had four full tables, after doing just two all week, and it went really well. There was a screwup in the kitchen that meant one of my tables waited almost an hour for their order that should've taken 15 minutes, but they were very nice about it. The manager never figured out what happened; one of the other managers had done a fly ticket for a fish sandwich at my table, which no one had ordered, and somehow that resulted in their original (and correct) ticket getting lost.
Though the job depends entirely on the customers, and some of them are assholes, for the most part it's turning out to be enjoyable. Hopefully my blisters will heal eventually and turn into callouses, and I'll make some more money when they cut the shifts and give us each more tables. For now, though, I'm struggling to balance work and homework.
Liz, me, and Braulio at the Lab 'n' Lager in Keene on my 21st birthday:

Me and Craig at Haven:

Me and Leslie. Byrdy did her awesome hair.

Me and Abel. Somehow I failed to notice until I saw this picture that he was wearing eyeshadow. I really can't explain how I missed that. And yes, he was also wearing pigtails.

Two pictures that are too wide for this damn page.
Me, Pam, Paul, and Sarah:
Me and Byrdy:
And finally, me in my infinitely stylish Bdubs uniform, complete with cheerleader ribbons in my hair:
Thursday night was good, since it was Thirsty Thursday for the college crowd, and there was some big game, and Bdubs brought in a DJ for the night. The bar was packed, and even though I was working Dining and not Bar Dining, I made $75. Last night, on the other hand, sucked. I was in Bar Dining, and though the crowd was decent, it wasn't huge. I would've done okay if three of my tables hadn't decided not to tip me. I was so fed up by the third one that I actually asked, and they assured me they would leave me money before they left the bar...but they disappeared without doing so. I came home pissed off and bitter at the world. What possesses people not to tip? Do they not know we get paid almost nothing as a wage? I make $2.63 an hour. I didn't even crack minimum wage yesterday.
I made $45 working day shift today, but the shift went well, and I don't expect to make as much during the day as the night. When they started cutting people at 3pm, I had four full tables, after doing just two all week, and it went really well. There was a screwup in the kitchen that meant one of my tables waited almost an hour for their order that should've taken 15 minutes, but they were very nice about it. The manager never figured out what happened; one of the other managers had done a fly ticket for a fish sandwich at my table, which no one had ordered, and somehow that resulted in their original (and correct) ticket getting lost.
Though the job depends entirely on the customers, and some of them are assholes, for the most part it's turning out to be enjoyable. Hopefully my blisters will heal eventually and turn into callouses, and I'll make some more money when they cut the shifts and give us each more tables. For now, though, I'm struggling to balance work and homework.
Liz, me, and Braulio at the Lab 'n' Lager in Keene on my 21st birthday:
Me and Craig at Haven:
Me and Leslie. Byrdy did her awesome hair.
Me and Abel. Somehow I failed to notice until I saw this picture that he was wearing eyeshadow. I really can't explain how I missed that. And yes, he was also wearing pigtails.
Two pictures that are too wide for this damn page.
Me, Pam, Paul, and Sarah:
Me and Byrdy:
And finally, me in my infinitely stylish Bdubs uniform, complete with cheerleader ribbons in my hair:
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Grand Opening, Grand Party
Buffalo Wild Wings of Hadley, Massachusetts opened its doors to the public on Monday, February 16th. The Hampshire Mall allowed people to camp in its hallways overnight in search of their year of free wings, starting at 11am on Sunday. We officially opened at 11am on Monday, but started letting people in the side door at 10:00 to avoid a huge rush.
All in all, it went pretty well, except that people who are given free food don't seem to feel the need to tip for the service that got them that food, so we all got stiffed for the first couple of hours. Once the paying customers started arriving, I had an exceedingly grumpy couple who, though they didn't complain about anything, seemed determined to be pissed off, and took it out on my tip for reasons unknown. The service industry is great when you have great customers...and it sucks when you don't.
I caused one problem that got blown into a major screwup when one of the trainers tried to fix my mistake and made another one, and it resulted in one table paying for their drinks but getting their food free. They, at least, left me a good tip, although I'm sure it was a thank-you for the free burgers. I was there from 9am to 5:30, and when I got home and took my shoes off, I discovered that my feet were covered in blisters, toes to heels. My shoes aren't uncomfortable - I guess I just have to get used to them.
My Massachusetts license arrived in the mail yesterday, too. We went to the DMV on Saturday like I said, but they no longer have any weekend hours, so I had to wait until Monday. I was expecting to walk out with my new license, like I used to in New Hampshire, but apparently they can't produce them on the spot here. You get a temporary paper copy, which says NOT VALID FOR IDENTIFICATION (although many places will take it anyway), and your actual license gets mailed to you. Once again, I get points for managing to have a good picture taken.
In other recent events, last night was Haven's 13th birthday party, which is the goth nightclub that Craig and I (and now a bunch of other people I know) hang out at. Normally I wouldn't go out partying on a Tuesday night, but that's the only night that Haven is open; every other night of the week they're a gay club called Diva's. Anyway, said party was enormous, the biggest group I've seen descend on Haven in quite a while, probably since the Saints & Sinners ball. Leslie, Byrdy, Sarah, and Eric were there (the crew from Eric's birthday party last weekend), as well as Craig's friend Paul, and Abel and Amanda. I've never not had fun at Haven, but it's even more fun now that I know a bunch of the regulars/old-schoolers. If any of the photos we took turn out decent, I'll post.
I did actually accomplish one thing besides just having crazy fun: I got Amanda (Abel's wife) to have a conversation with me. I wouldn't go so far as to say I got her to actually like me, but civil chat is a start. The fact that she brings their chihuahua with her makes it easier, too, as I can physically occupy myself with patting the dog while talking. While I don't want to be overly optimistic, it definitely could have gone worse.
And last but not least, a shout-out to uncle Carl: thanks for the birthday gift! Especially having been unemployed for a couple of months, it's very much appreciated. My car thanks you too, for the oil change it'll be getting this week, and its finally full tank.
All in all, it went pretty well, except that people who are given free food don't seem to feel the need to tip for the service that got them that food, so we all got stiffed for the first couple of hours. Once the paying customers started arriving, I had an exceedingly grumpy couple who, though they didn't complain about anything, seemed determined to be pissed off, and took it out on my tip for reasons unknown. The service industry is great when you have great customers...and it sucks when you don't.
I caused one problem that got blown into a major screwup when one of the trainers tried to fix my mistake and made another one, and it resulted in one table paying for their drinks but getting their food free. They, at least, left me a good tip, although I'm sure it was a thank-you for the free burgers. I was there from 9am to 5:30, and when I got home and took my shoes off, I discovered that my feet were covered in blisters, toes to heels. My shoes aren't uncomfortable - I guess I just have to get used to them.
My Massachusetts license arrived in the mail yesterday, too. We went to the DMV on Saturday like I said, but they no longer have any weekend hours, so I had to wait until Monday. I was expecting to walk out with my new license, like I used to in New Hampshire, but apparently they can't produce them on the spot here. You get a temporary paper copy, which says NOT VALID FOR IDENTIFICATION (although many places will take it anyway), and your actual license gets mailed to you. Once again, I get points for managing to have a good picture taken.
In other recent events, last night was Haven's 13th birthday party, which is the goth nightclub that Craig and I (and now a bunch of other people I know) hang out at. Normally I wouldn't go out partying on a Tuesday night, but that's the only night that Haven is open; every other night of the week they're a gay club called Diva's. Anyway, said party was enormous, the biggest group I've seen descend on Haven in quite a while, probably since the Saints & Sinners ball. Leslie, Byrdy, Sarah, and Eric were there (the crew from Eric's birthday party last weekend), as well as Craig's friend Paul, and Abel and Amanda. I've never not had fun at Haven, but it's even more fun now that I know a bunch of the regulars/old-schoolers. If any of the photos we took turn out decent, I'll post.
I did actually accomplish one thing besides just having crazy fun: I got Amanda (Abel's wife) to have a conversation with me. I wouldn't go so far as to say I got her to actually like me, but civil chat is a start. The fact that she brings their chihuahua with her makes it easier, too, as I can physically occupy myself with patting the dog while talking. While I don't want to be overly optimistic, it definitely could have gone worse.
And last but not least, a shout-out to uncle Carl: thanks for the birthday gift! Especially having been unemployed for a couple of months, it's very much appreciated. My car thanks you too, for the oil change it'll be getting this week, and its finally full tank.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Training Week
I've been trying all week to get a chance to get some updates in here, but B-dubs has been keeping me way too busy. Starting Sunday night, they've had me every night, including a good chunk of today, for orientation, training, and practice.
Sunday was orientation round two (round one being last Tuesday). Honestly, I can barely remember what we did at this point - the week has quickly become a blur. It was definitely the day we got our uniforms and training manuals, but beyond that, I really can't tell you what we did. I only remember that we were there from 6:00 to past 9:00pm.
Monday night to Wednesday night, training ran from 5:00 to 10:00pm, and consisted of memorizing the menu, memorizing the 14+1 signature sauces (no, it's not 15, really), memorizing the drinks in the bar, learning techniques including pivot point table service, and figuring out how to use the POS. I heard it said about the computer that it's "user friendly but not intuitive," which I have to totally disagree with. If a system isn't intuitive, it's not user-friendly. The definition of user-friendly is that it's easy to get around without knowing too much about wouldn't intuitiveness be a boon? You'd think.
Thursday night was the usual training, followed by a pep rally until 11:00. The theory of the company is that their teams of employees should be like a sports team. After all, everything else about them is sports-themed, including the menu. As silly as it is to sing songs like I'm back in girl scout camp and scream at the managers like they're rock stars, I'd honestly rather that than a general "Congrats, here's a job, now fuck off." Though I'm not too fond of some of our franchiser's policies, I do have to give the group credit for putting together a really good team. I have yet to find anyone there I dislike for any reason, and I've actually made a few friends.
Friday was Family and Friends day, where each of us was given a pass for two people for the lunch or dinner shift, so we could come in and get a meal with one other person. The food was on the house to give the staff practice at ordering, mixing, serving, and the rest of the deal without going 100% live. After all, you don't have to worry much about people comlaining when they're eating for free.
I got out a little bit early that night, at 9:30, because our shift did really well and cleaned up fast. I had a small fiasco with trying to split one family between two tabes which were in two different sections. I was told both tables were mine (giving me three tables, when no one was supposed to have more than two), but the second table was in someone else's section, so she thought it was hers. There was quite a bit of confusion until that was sorted out by the trainers...and it was the manager's family we were messing around with. The trainers said they were impressed with how well we did, especially compared to some of the other BWW's they've opened.
I ran home after work, showered, and then we went to Craig's friend Eric's birthday party. Almost as soon as we walked in the door, I was accosted by a girl named Kat who heard that my 21st was recently and said to Craig, "I get to corrupt your girlfriend!" She dragged me into the kitchen and poured me a drink, and I chatted with her and Sarah (who I knew from Haven) and a guy named Bob. We got free entertainment out of the deal when Bob's brother Ross wandered in completely smashed and proceeded to start patting Craig and talking loudly about things that would be inappropriate to post, but that caused a whole lot of laughter.
Somehow I forgot that I hadn't eaten since my dozen spicy wings at B-dubs at 11:30am, and by...okay, I have no clue what time it was...I was pretty well under. I sat for quite a while and talked with a guy with pink hair in a skirt whose name was either Brittany, Freddy, or Birdie - I never figured it out. Our intent had been to go home early, especially given the amount of cigarette smoke in the small apartment, but after having no time for anything all week, I was glad to be able to relax and meet some new people. Craig says we got home about 2am. I remember showering, then falling asleep on the couch, then waking up at...well, who knows, and going to bed.
This morning I was up at 9:00 again to be back at B-dubs by 10:00. The really ironic thing? I was there for ServSafe alchohol training! Abel and Laura laughed hysterically when they heard that. Fortunately for me, I only get hangovers if I'm already sick, so I felt fine, if a little tired. The course was boring as hell but not difficult. The most exciting part of the day was sprinting through the mall to Subway to get lunch on a 7-minute break. We made it back in time, just barely. The other funny moment came when I went to cross my legs under the table without realizing how close to the table said legs already were, and I whacked my knee so hard on the underside of the table that I think half the room must have heard it. I just about melted onto the table trying not to laugh out loud.
The course let out at 3:00, and I asked Abel what he was going to do for the next hour until his night shift started. (Tonight was another practice shift like the F&F one yesterday, but involving local "VIPs", whatever they consider those to be. I wasn't put on shift for this one.) He grabbed my arm and dragged me to Target, where I was informed that I was going to help him pick out a Valentine's Day card for his wife.
"That's ironic," I said, "Given how much she hates me."
"She doesn't hate you," he said, "She hates everyone." Okay, that's better then. I shan't pass on all the gory details, but suffice it to say that he and his wife have not been getting on so well of late.
"Isn't she convinced that you're cheating on her with me or something?" I asked. I met her during the F&F shift on Friday, and my friendly smile, handshake, and "Nice to finally meet you!" was answered by a death glare.
"I don't care what she thinks," was the answer. I have the distinct feeling I won't be spending very much time with her. "She yells at me for going to work, she yells at me for coming home late, she yells at me for having friends. And yesterday she said that if I'm going to be home after 10:30, I shouldn't bother coming home at all!"
"Where the hell are you supposed to go?" I asked.
"Beats me." Night shift, after all, lets out between midnight and 2am.
After our trip to Target, we hung out in the parking lot, and I juggled clubs while Abel spun poi. We got quite a few amused looks from the people in passing cars, which is always a fun way to pass time.
Tomorrow is the one day that everyone gets off. Translation: my one homework day. I'm glad I had tonight to just veg. Monday I've been put on day shift, which means that I'll be there for the grand opening, the first time that just anyone is allowed to come in and buy food, and for real money! I'll probably make a ton of mistakes, but I'm not nervous. The managers have been super patient about helping us to correct the mistakes we've made so far, and I haven't heard them yell at a single person, despite the chaos that is the definition of restaurant. I've said innumerable times that I hate foodservice, but I think I'm really going to like this job.
Sunday was orientation round two (round one being last Tuesday). Honestly, I can barely remember what we did at this point - the week has quickly become a blur. It was definitely the day we got our uniforms and training manuals, but beyond that, I really can't tell you what we did. I only remember that we were there from 6:00 to past 9:00pm.
Monday night to Wednesday night, training ran from 5:00 to 10:00pm, and consisted of memorizing the menu, memorizing the 14+1 signature sauces (no, it's not 15, really), memorizing the drinks in the bar, learning techniques including pivot point table service, and figuring out how to use the POS. I heard it said about the computer that it's "user friendly but not intuitive," which I have to totally disagree with. If a system isn't intuitive, it's not user-friendly. The definition of user-friendly is that it's easy to get around without knowing too much about wouldn't intuitiveness be a boon? You'd think.
Thursday night was the usual training, followed by a pep rally until 11:00. The theory of the company is that their teams of employees should be like a sports team. After all, everything else about them is sports-themed, including the menu. As silly as it is to sing songs like I'm back in girl scout camp and scream at the managers like they're rock stars, I'd honestly rather that than a general "Congrats, here's a job, now fuck off." Though I'm not too fond of some of our franchiser's policies, I do have to give the group credit for putting together a really good team. I have yet to find anyone there I dislike for any reason, and I've actually made a few friends.
Friday was Family and Friends day, where each of us was given a pass for two people for the lunch or dinner shift, so we could come in and get a meal with one other person. The food was on the house to give the staff practice at ordering, mixing, serving, and the rest of the deal without going 100% live. After all, you don't have to worry much about people comlaining when they're eating for free.
I got out a little bit early that night, at 9:30, because our shift did really well and cleaned up fast. I had a small fiasco with trying to split one family between two tabes which were in two different sections. I was told both tables were mine (giving me three tables, when no one was supposed to have more than two), but the second table was in someone else's section, so she thought it was hers. There was quite a bit of confusion until that was sorted out by the trainers...and it was the manager's family we were messing around with. The trainers said they were impressed with how well we did, especially compared to some of the other BWW's they've opened.
I ran home after work, showered, and then we went to Craig's friend Eric's birthday party. Almost as soon as we walked in the door, I was accosted by a girl named Kat who heard that my 21st was recently and said to Craig, "I get to corrupt your girlfriend!" She dragged me into the kitchen and poured me a drink, and I chatted with her and Sarah (who I knew from Haven) and a guy named Bob. We got free entertainment out of the deal when Bob's brother Ross wandered in completely smashed and proceeded to start patting Craig and talking loudly about things that would be inappropriate to post, but that caused a whole lot of laughter.
Somehow I forgot that I hadn't eaten since my dozen spicy wings at B-dubs at 11:30am, and by...okay, I have no clue what time it was...I was pretty well under. I sat for quite a while and talked with a guy with pink hair in a skirt whose name was either Brittany, Freddy, or Birdie - I never figured it out. Our intent had been to go home early, especially given the amount of cigarette smoke in the small apartment, but after having no time for anything all week, I was glad to be able to relax and meet some new people. Craig says we got home about 2am. I remember showering, then falling asleep on the couch, then waking up at...well, who knows, and going to bed.
This morning I was up at 9:00 again to be back at B-dubs by 10:00. The really ironic thing? I was there for ServSafe alchohol training! Abel and Laura laughed hysterically when they heard that. Fortunately for me, I only get hangovers if I'm already sick, so I felt fine, if a little tired. The course was boring as hell but not difficult. The most exciting part of the day was sprinting through the mall to Subway to get lunch on a 7-minute break. We made it back in time, just barely. The other funny moment came when I went to cross my legs under the table without realizing how close to the table said legs already were, and I whacked my knee so hard on the underside of the table that I think half the room must have heard it. I just about melted onto the table trying not to laugh out loud.
The course let out at 3:00, and I asked Abel what he was going to do for the next hour until his night shift started. (Tonight was another practice shift like the F&F one yesterday, but involving local "VIPs", whatever they consider those to be. I wasn't put on shift for this one.) He grabbed my arm and dragged me to Target, where I was informed that I was going to help him pick out a Valentine's Day card for his wife.
"That's ironic," I said, "Given how much she hates me."
"She doesn't hate you," he said, "She hates everyone." Okay, that's better then. I shan't pass on all the gory details, but suffice it to say that he and his wife have not been getting on so well of late.
"Isn't she convinced that you're cheating on her with me or something?" I asked. I met her during the F&F shift on Friday, and my friendly smile, handshake, and "Nice to finally meet you!" was answered by a death glare.
"I don't care what she thinks," was the answer. I have the distinct feeling I won't be spending very much time with her. "She yells at me for going to work, she yells at me for coming home late, she yells at me for having friends. And yesterday she said that if I'm going to be home after 10:30, I shouldn't bother coming home at all!"
"Where the hell are you supposed to go?" I asked.
"Beats me." Night shift, after all, lets out between midnight and 2am.
After our trip to Target, we hung out in the parking lot, and I juggled clubs while Abel spun poi. We got quite a few amused looks from the people in passing cars, which is always a fun way to pass time.
Tomorrow is the one day that everyone gets off. Translation: my one homework day. I'm glad I had tonight to just veg. Monday I've been put on day shift, which means that I'll be there for the grand opening, the first time that just anyone is allowed to come in and buy food, and for real money! I'll probably make a ton of mistakes, but I'm not nervous. The managers have been super patient about helping us to correct the mistakes we've made so far, and I haven't heard them yell at a single person, despite the chaos that is the definition of restaurant. I've said innumerable times that I hate foodservice, but I think I'm really going to like this job.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
21 Today
Had orientation for B-dubs on Tuesday night, and though it was rather unnecessarily long, it went well. I got there right on time and took one of the last chairs in the room. The guy seated on my left was staring at me sideways in a somewhat stalkerish fashion, and I hoped that he would either say hello or stop looking at me. I scooted my chair as far away from him as I could in the cramped space. A minute later, someone else came in and took the last empty chair in the room, which was the one on my right. I reluctantly moved closer to the first guy again.
They started passing out paperwork, and the guy on my right introduced himself as Abel. I had to ask him what county I lived in for the forms, and we started talking. I had thought when he came in that he looked vaguely familiar, but I don't really know anyone around this area, so I dismissed the thought. Then he told me that he used to work at a goth/industrial club, and I asked if he meant Haven. When he said yes, I realized exactly where I recognized him from. Haven has been one of my favorite hang-out spots for the last year and a half or so, and he's an old-school Havenite - been there pretty much since it opened.
Both of us were glad to have encountered another smartass in a crowd of what looked to be largely Ugg-boots girls and Abercrombie boys, and we ended the night making snide comments about the "educational" video they showed us. These things were like 80s animation (think old Def Leppard music videos) meets Star Wars-brand scifi meets the worst of driver's ed videos, and they were on such topics as Kitchen Safety and Sexual Harrassment.
People's Bank put out an offer to the staff of B-dubs that if we open a new checking account with direct deposit, they'll give us $100. I'm not stupid - I went to the bank yesterday and opened the account. As I was leaving, I ran into Abel, who was doing the same thing. According to the bank manager, most of the staff had been there already, and there were more when I left. I don't know how they can afford an offer like that, but it sure as hell is a good one.
So today is my 21st birthday. [/END selfPlug]I'm going out in a few minutes to get a new driver's license, replacing my New Hampshire one with a Massachusetts version, and tonight I'm going up to Keene to see Marie, Liz and crew. Craig and I are going to stay at Marie's house (provided she's not too sick, as she had an upper respiratory infection the last time we talked) and then go visit mom for lunch on Sunday. Sunday night begins another round of B-dubs orientations and training that's going to last every day this week. Wish me luck getting any schoolwork done.
They started passing out paperwork, and the guy on my right introduced himself as Abel. I had to ask him what county I lived in for the forms, and we started talking. I had thought when he came in that he looked vaguely familiar, but I don't really know anyone around this area, so I dismissed the thought. Then he told me that he used to work at a goth/industrial club, and I asked if he meant Haven. When he said yes, I realized exactly where I recognized him from. Haven has been one of my favorite hang-out spots for the last year and a half or so, and he's an old-school Havenite - been there pretty much since it opened.
Both of us were glad to have encountered another smartass in a crowd of what looked to be largely Ugg-boots girls and Abercrombie boys, and we ended the night making snide comments about the "educational" video they showed us. These things were like 80s animation (think old Def Leppard music videos) meets Star Wars-brand scifi meets the worst of driver's ed videos, and they were on such topics as Kitchen Safety and Sexual Harrassment.
People's Bank put out an offer to the staff of B-dubs that if we open a new checking account with direct deposit, they'll give us $100. I'm not stupid - I went to the bank yesterday and opened the account. As I was leaving, I ran into Abel, who was doing the same thing. According to the bank manager, most of the staff had been there already, and there were more when I left. I don't know how they can afford an offer like that, but it sure as hell is a good one.
So today is my 21st birthday. [/END selfPlug]I'm going out in a few minutes to get a new driver's license, replacing my New Hampshire one with a Massachusetts version, and tonight I'm going up to Keene to see Marie, Liz and crew. Craig and I are going to stay at Marie's house (provided she's not too sick, as she had an upper respiratory infection the last time we talked) and then go visit mom for lunch on Sunday. Sunday night begins another round of B-dubs orientations and training that's going to last every day this week. Wish me luck getting any schoolwork done.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I felt so old-fashioned yesterday washing dishes over the stove with a pot of boiling water - dirty bean water from the previous night's dinner. It worked, though. The difference between me and Laura Ingalls Wilder (who, by the way, I share a birthday with) is that I have Palmolive. Fortunately, we got a delivery of gas yesterday afternoon - it turned out that Craig had actually prepaid and the company was just being a little slow.
He tried to give me instructions over the phone on how to turn on the hot water heater. I figured it couldn't be difficult, since I had to light the water heater with a match whenever I wanted to take a shower in Ecuador. It was, in fact, just turn a valve and flip a switch, no lighter necessary, but the burner was in a bad mood, having run itself completely dry. After fiddling with the water heater, then going outside and getting snow in my slippers and cold water down the back of my neck to fiddle with the tank, then more unsuccessful attempts at coaxing the heater to do its thing, I finally gave up. Craig somehow convinced it to work while I was at a meeting at school later, so we are back to having warm showers and clean dishes the easy way.
He tried to give me instructions over the phone on how to turn on the hot water heater. I figured it couldn't be difficult, since I had to light the water heater with a match whenever I wanted to take a shower in Ecuador. It was, in fact, just turn a valve and flip a switch, no lighter necessary, but the burner was in a bad mood, having run itself completely dry. After fiddling with the water heater, then going outside and getting snow in my slippers and cold water down the back of my neck to fiddle with the tank, then more unsuccessful attempts at coaxing the heater to do its thing, I finally gave up. Craig somehow convinced it to work while I was at a meeting at school later, so we are back to having warm showers and clean dishes the easy way.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Cold Beans
We're sitting here on the sofa waiting for our red beans & rice to finish cooking. It's taking so long I'm considering eating the ham and the rice and saying screw to the beans. I shall never again assume that dried beans can be eaten with 24 hours of leaving their package, no less within two. Now I understand why a recipe from my mom would contain a request for a *gasp* CANNED good: the beans. Damn.
Also, while striving to prepare said failing meal, there was no hot water to be had from the sink. An investigation has uncovered that we're out of propane, and neither of us can afford to pay for more right now. So Craig will be showering at work, and I'll be showering at the gym at school. The heat has already been off for a week and it's not really a big deal, as the electric can pick up the slack. The only real issue will probably be doing dishes. That's what used the last of the water, anyway, was the dishwasher. Stupid ungrateful machine. Or something.
As much as I'd like to post something scintillating, I haven't really got much right now. Today was spent alternating between doing homework and playing poker, and tonight is Poker Night, when we spend as many hours as humanly possible watching High Stakes Poker, usually followed by either the World Poker Tour or a World Series of Poker event. Last week it was reruns of the 2006 US Poker Championship, and last night was the Full Tilt Million Dollar Cash game. I'm such a junkie, but there are far worse things I could be addicted to.
Also, while striving to prepare said failing meal, there was no hot water to be had from the sink. An investigation has uncovered that we're out of propane, and neither of us can afford to pay for more right now. So Craig will be showering at work, and I'll be showering at the gym at school. The heat has already been off for a week and it's not really a big deal, as the electric can pick up the slack. The only real issue will probably be doing dishes. That's what used the last of the water, anyway, was the dishwasher. Stupid ungrateful machine. Or something.
As much as I'd like to post something scintillating, I haven't really got much right now. Today was spent alternating between doing homework and playing poker, and tonight is Poker Night, when we spend as many hours as humanly possible watching High Stakes Poker, usually followed by either the World Poker Tour or a World Series of Poker event. Last week it was reruns of the 2006 US Poker Championship, and last night was the Full Tilt Million Dollar Cash game. I'm such a junkie, but there are far worse things I could be addicted to.
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