Friday, December 5, 2008

End of Classes

I am all done with classes! I've just got finals left to go, and another week of work. I already got out of my Midrange Systems final because my average in the class was 100, and I have a meeting with Matt on Monday to see if I can do the same for Visual Basic. The Data Structures final is take-home and we've got twenty-four hours to do it. The only "sit-down-and-have-an-exam" final I've got (provided I get out of VB) is Chemistry, and I'm not worried about that one.

For the most part the other girls in my suite have been pretty good this semester, but last night was apparently too tempting a party night to be considerate. Twenty-four-hour quiet hours start tonight, which means no noise and no guests at any time for any reason. They said they were getting ready to go out to a party, which is no problem, but it took them three hours, a lot of noise, loud music, and pre-party booze. At 11:30 I finally went out and shut their door, telling them I needed to be at work at 7:30 in the morning.

Cat said, "Oh, we're leaving in just a sec." Yeah, sure. Half an hour later they finally went shrieking out the door and disappeared...and came back at 2am and repeated the whole thing. I almost had to get up again and tell them to shut it. The result: I'm dysfunctionally exhausted this morning, and it's not my fault. Argh. I'm glad I won't have to worry about dorms anymore after next week.


Anonymous said...

is ther ea better feeling than being done with classes?

Skipper said...

Hehe, no, I sure can't think of one!