Sunday, October 19, 2008

On Global Warming

I never thought I had it in me to care much about politics, and I still profess to a certain extent that I don't give a flying rat. But at the 2004 election, I was still a few months short of voting age, and so I now have more reason to care than I did before. Not that I think I actually have a say - I don't, and I won't unless and until this country gets rid of its electoral college.

Research, however, is still interesting, if only from an academic standpoint, and to know where things around us are headed and why. It's also fascinating, after reading a certain amount of research, to realize just how many people lie to how many other people; but I won't tell you what to think. Read this article and think for yourself. I challenge you not to be a lemming.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Three Reasons I Almost Never Post

Finally, I'm working more than three hours a week. It's about time. I had hours in the CS Lab as a tutor/monitor on Thursday and Sunday mornings, and now I'm working in the IT Helpdesk on Monday mornings, Tuesday nights, and Friday mornings.

Schedule says I have to be in here at 7:30am on Fridays. It's news to me that that's actually an hour at which people are awake and functional. But I suppose that if I have to be up at obscene a.m., I'm at least getting paid for it.

Hopefully this will give me something else to blog about, as I came to the conclusion yesterday that most of what happens in my life falls into one of three categories:
A) It's just not interesting enough to write down
B) It would appear as either braggery or sympathy-fishing if I wrote it down
C) It's something you don't need and/or want to know about.

Then there's category C.1: It's incriminating, and therefore I plead the 5th. Don't let this alarm you. (You know that putting things in other people's mail boxes is a federal offense? I think everyone has committed a crime at some point, and many of them are just unaware of it.) I like to think I'm too smart to leave trails, like announcing that I put things in mailboxes. Hey, at least they're business cards and not rotten eggs, right?

In other news, I'll be doing NaNoWriMo again in November. For those of you I haven't yet subjected to the speech, that stands for NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth. The goal is to write 50,000 words of fiction between November 1st and 30th - no cutting, editing, or over-thinking allowed. Just write, for quantity and not quality. (That's then followed by the optional NaNoEdMo: National Novel Editing Month, in December. If that has a website, I'm unaware of it.)

Certainly that will give me something to blog about, provided I don't wear my fingers out typing said novel (and programming for classes) before I can update the blog.